Opening positions

PhD positions

If there is no current opening position, you can always submit a "Spontaneous application" using the Application form

PhD position - 3 years

Optimisation of the re-use of oyster seashell wastes in very low carbon concrete

Deadline: April 5th, 2024

Postdoc positions

If there is no current opening position, you can always submit a "Spontaneous application" using the Application form

Recruitment done

Master or other internship positions

If there is no current opening position, you can always submit a "Spontaneous application" using the Application form

M2 internship - 5 months

Characterization of the mechanical and petrophysical properties of the Barrois limestone formation

Recruitment done

M2 internship - 5 months

Characterization of the spatial correlations induced during seismic tremors: focus on the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull

Recruitment done

Other opening positions

If there is no current opening position, you can always submit a "Spontaneous application" using the Application form